Empowering Yin Yoga Teachers Worldwide

Babies grow up so fast but there is always a long story leading up to those early years and that is exactly as it has been with these early years of YUJMU. Get a nice cup of warm tea and curl up in your favorite spot with your tablet, here comes the rolly-poly story of YUJMU.

— Post Written By TJ Maher — Founder + Lead Teacher for YUJMU

When YUJMU first began it was called MU Yoga and provided Yin Yoga workshops to local venues. I was trying to figure out what this whole new embracing of Yoga as a lifestyle was for me, what drew me to it and would keep me inspired to continue sharing it. The truth is I have never really gone to Yoga classes or connected with the culture of Yoga hehe. That sounds blasphemous and it doesn’t mean I didn’t connect with or practice many aspects of Yoga as it is popularly known. It simply came from a desire to teach myself how to understand things rather than be told. It also was in part due to my deep interest in Eastern philosophy from China, Japan and Tibet (among others) which kind of hijacked my contemplative activities from other traditions. It is from those two seeds, self-teaching and Eastern Asian Philosophy that MU Yoga was born.

“Mu” is a Japanese word used in Zen for contemplating emptiness, a very important concept in that tradition.

Not too many months after this I realized what I wanted to create was a platform and programs for enlightening people, cracking them open, which is essentially empowering them from their own side. This needed to transcend “Yoga” so bringing it back to its root word “Yuj” felt right. YUJMU is not just symbolic of a program of finding one’s potential but its parts literally mean “merge with” and “emptiness” or as I like to think of it; merging with your potential.


That was all the easy part, next was creating a program, a curriculum that lived up to this name. Luckily spending years creating children’s learning curriculum for entire school-years in institutions of learning sets you up pretty well for backwards engineering learning strategies for desired outcomes. In the case of YUJMU the desired outcome for the graduates was creating the best possible Yin Yoga Teachers on the planet. Every decision and nuance of the program has been chosen to that end and the centerpiece of that is again empowering the participants to look inward for their answers and education. To do that we have to make a whole lot of outward material and content delivery strategies though hehe :)


“The Tao you can talk about is not the Tao.” but here we go ‘bout to talk about the Tao so we can learn how to internalize this stuff ;)

Photo Aug 11, 7 13 17 AM.jpg
TJ MaherA YUJMU Story